Do you need a break from all of the holiday hustle and bustle? I have a suggestion! Find your favorite beverage and take a few minutes to see our latest arrivals: . Many of them are Christmas designs that cannot possibly be ready in time but that is okay; Christmas comes every year. You will have a whole year to get them finished! The designers are getting exceptionally creative. I have never before seen a bumblebee in a Santa hat or a Fairy Coffee Mother! With cross stitch there is never an excuse to get bored with your projects. The variety of subjects and designs is mind boggling!
When you are finished looking through the new items (and have placed your order!), extend your break by taking a few minutes to reflect on the reason we celebrate. It will help put all of your plans in perspective! All of us at House of Stitches wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas and a very happy, healthy, stitching New Year!
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
'Tis the season!
‘Tis the season! Ho, ho, ho! I just listened to the weather forecast and it sounds like we will be seeing snow very soon. Whether you live in an area with snow or not, it is always good stitching weather! And we just happen to have new projects for your stitching enjoyment. You can see the latest arrivals at Little House Needleworks brings us Molly Pitcher, the final design in the Early Americans series. Farmhouse Christmas is the next LHN nine part series and is due to start in January. It looks like it will be really cute so ask to be put on our automatic list to receive each part as it is published. The little sled ornaments continue to be very popular. There are so many designs available! I just typed sleds in the search box in our catalog and there are 39 charts. Most have multiple designs so you can stitch sleds from now until next Christmas and never have to stitch the same one twice!
Taking time for a few stitches will help your sanity during this busy, busy season. I like to stitch projects that go with the current season even if they will not be finished until the next time that season rolls around. My current holiday project is Woodland Wonder from Glendon Place, I will try to post a photo of my progress soon. Meanwhile, make time for your own projects and we will chat again soon!
Friday, November 24, 2017
The countdown is on!!
I hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving! We have updated the What’s New page with
fifty-eight new stitching designs! There
are so many that I would like to start stitching now. It is especially exciting to have Star Wars
and Hello Kitty to offer you. This is
the first time that I have been able to get these licensed characters! They each come as a boxed kit with a design
book, floss, fabric and a hoop. The
designs are easy enough for first time stitchers…think Christmas gifts
here! A favorite character is a good
motivation to stitch. And, it is fun to share your love of stitching with the
next generation of needleworkers.
As we are waiting on people today we are hearing the same thing
from everyone. How can Christmas be only
a month away?! I guess we have our work
cut out for us. We have many gifts for
stitchers from gold needles to gift certificates in any amount. We look forward to helping you with your holiday
(and every day!) shopping.
One of the things we gave thanks for yesterday is all of
you! Your continued patronage is what
keeps us in business. Thank you!
Friday, November 17, 2017
35 new DMC colors!
We have the 35 new DMC colors!! These are the open stock
skeins at $.49 each. (That is our usual
DMC floss price. Suggested retail is now
$.87!) We have ordered the tins that
will have all 35 colors but we do not have a definite date for their arrival. The tins will be $27.95. We will be adding the new numbers to our
website but if you do not want to wait, just put a note in the customer
comments area and ask for them.
Friday, November 10, 2017
New projects banish shorter days blues!
Do you need a new project or two to lift your spirits as our days get shorter and the temperatures get cooler? We have some suggestions for you at . They range from mini size to epic with many in between sizes. I have added at least two projects to my stash; now I just have to find the time to start them! The Lizzie Kate Spirit of Christmas Mystery Sampler is now complete! If you were waiting to see the entire sampler before committing yourself to stitching it, here it is! The latest early American from Little House Needleworks is Patrick Henry. And for the lovers of all things primitive, we have the winter issue of Punch Needle and Primitive Stitcher Magazine.
If you are stitching Christmas gifts that need to be framed we would like to have them by Thanksgiving weekend. We want to be sure they will be ready in time for gift giving.
Thank you for your continued patronage and love of stitching! Help us keep the joy of needlework strong by sharing it with someone you know.
Monday, October 23, 2017
Weekend of Stitches photos
The designers are keeping us on track with new fall and
Christmas designs. Find your new
favorite projects at
. Our weather has taken a turn toward
much more fall like temperatures and it makes me think I’d better get going on
any holiday stitching I hope to accomplish this year!
I have good news for those of you who use the scroll frames from
American Dream Products. The business
closed in August and they are no longer making the scroll frames and stands
that are also known as E-Z Stitch products. But!
Another company will be producing these products. There may be a slight
lull in availability but we hope to have them back in stock soon. This will include the no baste Velcro strips!
In the last newsletter I promised photos from our Weekend of
Stitches. As the old saying goes, better late than never! I am not an ace
photographer but you can see our projects and a shot from the classroom. (Sorry to only have a picture of Stacy Nash
from the back!) I think perhaps the biggest hindrance to my being a better
photographer is that I do not remember to take the pictures! So, if you really want to see what goes on at
a Weekend of Stitches…sign up for the next one!
Information will be forthcoming as it becomes available.
I hope all of your projects are going well. I am sure you need a few new ones! We look forward to hearing from you!
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Everybody needs a new project!
We are pleased to bring you 47 of the latest arrivals in the
shop. I continue to be amazed at the creativity
and variety of the many wonderful projects from the designers we carry! On our What’s New page at
you can see a three dimensional gingerbread house, a little Halloween basket, samplers,
little pillows and framed pieces. Part 2 of the Lizzie Kate Spirit of Christmas
Mystery Sampler, Celebrate With Charm Flip-It Part 7-Merry, two little sled
charts (also Lizzie Kate) and Early Americans No. 7 – Abigail Adams from Little
House Needleworks are all there for you to see.
The newest Plum Street releases arrived today and were too late to be
added to this update. If you would like
one of them, just put a note in the customer comments area of your order form.
Our Weekend of Stitches was last weekend and we had a
marvelous time with Stacy Nash! Many of
us left with four completed projects! (There
was pre-stitching involved.) Watch our blog
or Facebook page for photos that will be appearing soon. I have someone under 30 who will be working with
me tomorrow. I am sure Facebook and blogging
will be second nature to her. I tried
multiple times on Saturday to post pictures of Stacy teaching our class and had
no success. I was thinking about all of
you and wishing you could be there with us!
See you on the web!
We are thankful for your continued business!
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
So many new projects!
It is time to click on over to our website and look at the
newest arrivals on our What’s New page:
There are so many great new designs and accessories that I am not even going to
try to describe them! Look them over,
place your order and we will get them on the way to you as soon as possible! We appreciate your continued interest and
depend on your continued business. Thank
you for your support!
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
$3000.00 Goal Reached!
I am very happy to report that with the help of a kind and generous donor, we were able to send $3000.00 to the Riley Children’s Hospital Foundation! She asked to remain anonymous but I want to say thank you SO much and again, thank you to all who contributed and worked hard to make the Midwest Stash Exchange a success. You have helped brighten the lives of children who are going through very trying circumstances.
Cross stitch designers are amazing! They keep bringing us new designs to stitch and enjoy. You can see the latest arrivals by going to our What’s New page at or go to our website catalog and type sep17a in the keyword box. That will give you a visual treat as all of the newest designs appear! You will see Part 1 of the Lizzie Kate Spirit of Christmas Mystery Sampler, Number 6 in the Early Americans series and Lesson 3 in the Abecedarian Summer Schoolhouse series. There are Christmas projects from JBW, Sweetheart Tree and Blackbird Designs. For inspiration see Courageous and Strong from Needle Bling or Soul Anchor by Stoney Creek. Autumn designs were not totally overlooked. Be sure to see Autumn ABC’s from Little House Needleworks, Shades of Autumn by Scissortail Designs and the Fall Issue of Punch Needle and Primitive Stitcher.
We had an unexpected surprise last week at the Post Office. Without fanfare or notice, the rates have gone up on First Class Packages! Even the postal clerks were surprised by the change. The cost to mail a First Class package that weighs up to 4 ounces has increased to $3.00! I did some checking and if the package is totally flat (no more than a quarter inch variation in thickness) it can be mailed for less. BUT! That service does not come with a tracking number and the delivery time can be a bit slower. It also has to be flat which eliminates almost everything except charts and leaflets. Add some floss and it becomes a package instead of a large envelope. Another thing that needs to be understood is that once the package is in the postal system it is no longer our responsibility. We cannot replace your order if it goes astray. In my opinion, it is totally worth having the tracking number on your package. It is most interesting to see the circuitous route that some packages take on the way to your mailbox! With the tracking number we can at least see where it is even if we cannot figure out why it is there. We do our best to keep the postage that we charge close to the actual cost and in most cases it is still less than the cost of gas if you drive very far to pick up your supplies. With that being said, we are still happy to have you visit the shop in person whenever possible!
I am making good progress on the pre-stitching for our Weekend of Stitches. I have heard that several speedy stitchers have already finished their pre-stitching! Here is the link to information about the October 6-8 weekend: I love the colors that Stacy used and I have discovered that it is on 32 count linen not 36 count as I originally thought. A few spots are still available if you would like to join us. We hope you can come!
Cross stitch designers are amazing! They keep bringing us new designs to stitch and enjoy. You can see the latest arrivals by going to our What’s New page at or go to our website catalog and type sep17a in the keyword box. That will give you a visual treat as all of the newest designs appear! You will see Part 1 of the Lizzie Kate Spirit of Christmas Mystery Sampler, Number 6 in the Early Americans series and Lesson 3 in the Abecedarian Summer Schoolhouse series. There are Christmas projects from JBW, Sweetheart Tree and Blackbird Designs. For inspiration see Courageous and Strong from Needle Bling or Soul Anchor by Stoney Creek. Autumn designs were not totally overlooked. Be sure to see Autumn ABC’s from Little House Needleworks, Shades of Autumn by Scissortail Designs and the Fall Issue of Punch Needle and Primitive Stitcher.
We had an unexpected surprise last week at the Post Office. Without fanfare or notice, the rates have gone up on First Class Packages! Even the postal clerks were surprised by the change. The cost to mail a First Class package that weighs up to 4 ounces has increased to $3.00! I did some checking and if the package is totally flat (no more than a quarter inch variation in thickness) it can be mailed for less. BUT! That service does not come with a tracking number and the delivery time can be a bit slower. It also has to be flat which eliminates almost everything except charts and leaflets. Add some floss and it becomes a package instead of a large envelope. Another thing that needs to be understood is that once the package is in the postal system it is no longer our responsibility. We cannot replace your order if it goes astray. In my opinion, it is totally worth having the tracking number on your package. It is most interesting to see the circuitous route that some packages take on the way to your mailbox! With the tracking number we can at least see where it is even if we cannot figure out why it is there. We do our best to keep the postage that we charge close to the actual cost and in most cases it is still less than the cost of gas if you drive very far to pick up your supplies. With that being said, we are still happy to have you visit the shop in person whenever possible!
I am making good progress on the pre-stitching for our Weekend of Stitches. I have heard that several speedy stitchers have already finished their pre-stitching! Here is the link to information about the October 6-8 weekend: I love the colors that Stacy used and I have discovered that it is on 32 count linen not 36 count as I originally thought. A few spots are still available if you would like to join us. We hope you can come!
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Thank You!
My first order of business is to thank all of you who helped
make our Midwest Stash Exchange a success!
Whether you had a booth, sold raffle tickets, carried tables, put up
awnings, sold hot dogs, supervised kids games or helped in any way, THANK
YOU! It would not have happened without
your help. Our one day fundraiser has
raised nearly $3000.00 for Riley Hospital Children’s Foundation! (We only need $112.00 more to reach that total
and I am sure we will make it.) All the
members of my family and the House of Stitches staff start early and work late
to ensure a successful day and I am grateful!
Thank you to all who came and shopped and had a great time connecting
with other stitchers. Many of you gave
above and beyond the price of the things that you purchased at the Riley Booth.
Thank you. THANK YOU!
We have just a few places left for our Stitchers’ Day Out. (See the project and details here:
The pre-stitching kits have been mailed
to those who are already signed up. When
you sign up, Stacy will get one on the way to you. I have started stitching mine! I am having fun planning the little project
for the Friday evening get acquainted time and finding treasures for the goodie
We have more new projects for you on our newly updated What’s
New page:
. Every year Gingher releases a Designer Series Scissor. This year it is a crisp blue and white design
named Lauren. I think it is my favorite
to date! If you like it, remember that
it is a limited edition and order soon.
While we are speaking of limited editions, the third Mouse in a House
from Just Nan has arrived. Haunted
Autumn Mouse in a House features a pumpkin colored mouse that fits inside the
cute little haunted house. (We have a
couple Summer Mouse in a House left but we are sold out of Spring.) The 2017 Halloween Issue from Just Cross
Stitch is here! (It is my understanding that it is NOT included with home
delivery subscriptions.) Vickery
Collection has designed a chart for each of the four branches of the military. Rosewood Manor and With Thy Needle and Thread
each have three new charts. The latest
designs from JBW arrived too late to be pictured in this update but you can
still order them with a note in the customer comments area of your online order
form. There are more new designs but I
will let you discover them for yourself.
Keep spreading the word about the fun and therapeutic
benefits of stitching. We hear from many
of you about how stitching has saved your sanity in times of stress and duress!
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Midwest Stash Exchange
Our Midwest Stash Exchange fundraiser for Riley Hospital for Children
is only a few days away! I hope you are
able to join us! In addition to the
booths filled with stitching stash we will be raffling two framed needlework
designs, a Liberty Hill folk art wall box called Halloween Jack, a 50/50 raffle
and more! Our favorite scissor sharpener
will be on site to expertly sharpen your favorite scissors while you shop! He has very reasonable rates ranging from
$4.00 to sharpen embroidery scissors to $8.00 to sharpen pinking shears. He
will also do knives for between $4.00 and $7.00. The
weather sounds like it will be perfect!
There will be additional parking in the gravel lot across Oregon street
and on State Street behind the store.
The kids from ATA Martial Arts will be selling hot dogs, chips and soft
drinks so you can keep up your strength while you shop. I am sure that I am forgetting to tell you
something so feel free to phone or email if you have questions.
Our What’s New page has been updated with our latest arrivals. You can see them at
It includes two new Letters From
Mermaids by Nora Corbett (Mirabilia), and Lesson Two in the Lessons in
Abecedarian Summer Schoolhouse series from With Thy Needle and Thread. Prairie Schooler fans will be happy to see
two more reprinted charts. Needle Bling
and Pickle Barrel continue with more of their small monthly designs. Another cute black cat design is available
from Kit and Bixby. Lila’s Studio finishes
the Seasons series with Autumn and Winter.
Thank you for continuing to stitch and shop at House of Stitches! We appreciate your continued business.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
New designs and upcoming events
I just took a scroll through our latest What’s New page, at, and I am amazed! There are 52 new items waiting to become part of your stitching line-up. You can stitch a Kitchen Aid Mixer, cacti, three coffee designs and a tea design, Christmas ornaments, hardanger charts and a variety of samplers. And, be sure to see the pretty Victorian Gold Scissors. We have Lizzie Kate’s Annual Santa and Tiny Tidings charts along with an autumn and a Thanksgiving chart. The 12 Days series from Hands On Design concludes with Pipers and Drummers.
Lizzie Kate is going to do a Christmas Mystery Sampler this fall. It is called Spirit of Christmas and will be released in three installments beginning in September. It is stitched on a new Picture This Plus fabric called Heartland (available in 28, 32, 14 or 16 count) with 11 colors of Weeks Dye Works floss including a new color, Oyster. There is an embellishment pack and an optional Needle Nanny made by Zappy Dots. Let us know if you would like to stitch along as the mystery unfolds. We need to have our initial order in by August 10 but you can still sign up after that date. You can even wait until the design is complete but you will miss the fun and suspense of the mystery.
In only two weeks it will be time for the Midwest Stash Exchange! We will be raising money for the Riley Hospital for Children Foundation. Make your plans to visit us and enhance your stash for a good cause. Knowing that you are helping children allows you to enhance your stash without incurring any guilt over doing so! It is a win-win situation! We have room for a few more booths if you would like to sell some of your stash. Our storeroom is packed with items that have been donated and we will have a parking lot full of stitchers with booths of stitching treasures. Plan to bring cash in small denominations like you would for shopping at garage sales. Help us clear out our store room! We do not want to have any of it left at the end of the day!! There will be games for kids, raffle items, a 50/50 raffle and you can meet a special Riley Champion! Our granddaughter, Grace, is one of the eight children who are acting as ambassadors for Riley this year. If you shop at Kroger you may have seen her photo in the store. She can tell you from first-hand experience just what a difference the Foundation makes to the patients.
Sign-ups are continuing for the Weekend of Stitches, October 6-8, 2017. Stacy Nash will be teaching an exclusive project on Saturday. If you want to participate, sign up soon. We are limited by the size of the classroom at the Blue Heron Inn where we meet. You can see a photo of the project on our Events Page,
We have been asked to have a place online for you, our stitching friends, to show off your finished projects and your works in progress. Let us know if you would be interested in participating. My computer skills are limited but I will see what I can do to make this happen!
Enjoy browsing through the new things and make your list. Thank you for your continued support; it is appreciated now more than ever!
Monday, July 17, 2017
Mark your calendars!

We have enjoyed meeting some of you as you stop by during
your summer travels! It is always nice to put a face with your name. Your continued patronage is appreciated
whether online or in person!
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Mark your calendar!
After some technical challenges, we finally have an updated
What’s New Page to share with you. You
can see the latest arrivals at
The fourth in the Little House Needleworks Early Americans series is
here as well as the first in the Schoolhouse Abecedarian series from With Thy
Needle and Thread. Country Cottage
Needleworks Main Street series continues with Gazebo. The second in the Home.Hive.Nest projects
from Summer House Needleworks is here.
If you are in need of a birth sampler, Stoney Creek has two new
ones. And! The much anticipated Just
Cross Stitch Special Halloween issue just hit our doorstep yesterday! (It’s my
understanding that it is not included with your subscription if you get the
magazine by mail.) It includes 53
projects. According to my calculator,
that’s less than 19 cents per project!
Be sure to mark the first weekend of October on your
calendars! That’s our next Weekend of
Stitches featuring designer Stacy Nash.
The $175.00 cost includes a Friday evening social time, Saturday class
with Stacy, a project designed exclusively for our weekend, two lunches, Sunday
group stitching time, fun with other stitchers and surprises! We will have a registration form on the
Events Page of our website very soon.
If you like to follow House of Stitches on Facebook, I must
apologize! For some unknown reason, I am
unable to post new messages. It is very
frustrating, especially when Facebook sends me messages that say I have not
posted and my friends want to hear from me!
I hope to have it figured out soon.
Sorry for your inconvenience!
We look forward to hearing from you after you see all of the
new charts! We appreciate your continued
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
A Dichotomy: summer and Christmas stitching!
Summer is officially
here! (Sorry to those of you who live in the southern hemisphere of our world!)
Time just keeps moving along at a faster and faster pace. I guess that means we
need to take more time to stitch. And coincidentally, we have some suggestions
about what to stitch on our recently updated What’s New page: If you like to stitch
projects that are in season, there are a number of summer/patriotic charts this
time. (I guess the designers like to design in season, too!) And for all of you
who are great at planning ahead, there are new Christmas designs. Much to our
surprise we have a 2017 Prairie Schooler Santa! Even though Prairie Schooler
officially retired, there must still be a little creative bug that needs
expression. We are happy that it has taken the form of another of Santa! Mill
Hill brings us the Might Oak Quartet; a series of four kits that depict an oak
tree in each of the four seasons of the year. The designs fit their 6 x 6 inch
frames so you could stitch all four and change them with the time of year.
Stacy Nash Primitives has
a new design called Summer House Pinkeep. And, we are excited to tell you that
Stacy has agreed to teach a class for us on October 7, 2017! We are working on
all of the details and I will get them to you as soon as I have them. As I
understand it, she will be designing a project just for our class! Like I said,
details will be forthcoming!
Lizzie Kate brings us
three new designs. One is the fifth part of her seven part series, Celebrate
With Charm. Red White and Beach has three cute summer designs and Be Still is
the latest in her series of inspiration kits. Erica Michaels concludes her cute
series called the 12 Berries of Christmas. These little strawberries would be
so cute in a basket or wooden bowl on your Christmas coffee table! People have
been asking us for new Native American designs and Joan Elliott has two new
ones. She also has two new stylish ladies, one on New York and one in Rome.
Heart in Hand finishes the Glad and Sincere Hearts design with part three.
Libby is her cute rendition of the Statue of Liberty.
I’m going to stop
describing the new things and let you see them for yourself! (The link is above
or you can always just go to our website and click on the What’s New button.)
Remember to mark your calendar for the Midwest Stash Exchange on August 19,
2017. Bring your dull scissors and knives for the professional sharpener to
make like new. We want to raise a nice amount of money for the Riley Children’s
Hospital Foundation.
Monday, June 5, 2017
See the latest arrivals!
We have more wonderful new things for you to stitch on our
What’s New page:
. Are you ready for this? Mill
Hill Christmas kits are arriving! I like
every one of the sleighs and the Santas will appeal to the pirates in your
family. Our next update will include the
Button and Bead Kits and Holiday Ornaments.
Kelmscott has new needle minders as well as the Crusade Queen Threadkeep
and Eiffel Tower Threadkeep. If you are
in need of a smile, see the latest from Marnic Designs and Warped Humor from My
Big Toe! I have a soft spot for monochromatic
designs so of course I like Redwork Sampler from Pheasant Street Samplers. Imaginating has several new designs including
one about adoption and one for twins. Go
through the list; I am sure you will find projects that need to be part of your
future stitching stash!
Remember to mark your calendars for the Midwest Stash Exchange on August 19, 2017! There is more information on our Events page:
. Just scroll down a bit to find it.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
What's New!
If you have unsuccessfully tried to reach us by email in the
last week, please try again. We had to
get a new computer and even though I was assured that all of our emails could
be transferred to the new computer, they could not. What a headache! I’ll spare you my tales of woe; I think I
need a long session of stitching therapy to make everything all better!
We have an updated What’s New page for you at
. There are great selections! I think my favorite is the one from Waxing
Moon that says “My stash is huge and I’m not ashamed”. If you missed getting the limited edition
La-D-Da Samplar Hare kit, it is now available as a chart! See all the new things and choose your
We appreciate your continued interest and business! Keep on stitching and share the joys of needlework
with others.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Serial Stitching
New projects are waiting for you on our What’s New page at It includes the third installment of the 12 Days charts by Hands on Design, the second For the Birds Loose Feathers from Blackbird Designs, the second Early Americans from Little House Needleworks, the second part of Glad & Sincere Hearts from Heart in Hand and the second Mouse in a House from Just Nan! Country Cottage Needleworks is beginning their new Main Street series with Flower Shop. It seems the designers are counting on all of us being serial stitchers!
Remember to mark your calendars for our Midwest Stash Exchange on August 19, 2017. Help us raise money for Riley Hospital for Children. There is more information on the Events page of our website: (Scroll down a bit.)
Thank you for your continued support! Be on the lookout for someone who would like to learn to stitch and then share the addiction!
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Weekend of Stitches Accomplishments
We had a great time with Sue Hillis at our Weekend of
Stitches! This is a photo of some of the easels we made during
her Easels Made Easy class. Sue is a
wonderful teacher and we had a great time choosing fabrics and trims from the
huge stash she brought. Her method of
making easels really is easy and we all left feeling a great sense of
accomplishment! She is in the process of
writing a finishing book that will include the easel instructions. Watch for it!
As you plan your summer travels be sure to include House of
Stitches as a stop along the way or better yet as a destination! There are many things to entertain your
family while you shop: lakes, parks, museums, Washington Park Zoo, Michigan
City Lighthouse, the list goes on! We
hope to see you soon.
Monday, April 10, 2017
New for you!
Our What’s New page,,
has been updated for your shopping enjoyment!
There are spring designs from Country Cottage Needlework, Diane Graebner
and Stoney Creek. Mill Hill, however, is
in an autumn frame of mind! There are
twelve complete kits so you can quickly and easily get started on your autumn
projects. Little House Needleworks is beginning
a new series called Early Americans. The
first person to be honored is Betsy Ross.
There will be seven more historical figures and a center piece if you
would like to stitch them all together in one large design. Little House Needleworks also has a new
design that was inspired by the Nancy Turner book with the same name, “These is
My Words”. I like to listen to audio
books while I stitch. Wouldn’t it be fun
to listen to the book while you stitch the sampler?
There is still time to sign up for our Weekend of Stitches,
April 22-23, 2017! Click here for more
information: The projects for both days can be stitched on
aida or linen, whichever you prefer. If
you scroll further down the page there is information about our Midwest Stash
Exchange which will take place on August 19, 2017. Mark your calendar now!
Enjoy the new projects!
We look forward to hearing which ones are destined for your stitching
Monday, March 27, 2017
Market fun continues!
The influx of great new designs from the Nashville Needlework Market continues! Some things were sold out so they had to be shipped to us. You can see the latest arrivals on our What’s New Page: According to the calendar it is officially spring in the northern hemisphere but we still do not have much color here in northern Indiana. If you need a blast of color to perk things up, be sure to see the Mill Hill collection of Laurel Burch horses. There are four fun new designs from Plum Street Samplers including another cute dachshund chart. Just Nan has three new charts in pretty spring pastels. The Spring Mouse in a House is the first in a four part seasonal series.
There is still time to sign up for our spring Weekend of Stitches! I have my pre-stitching almost finished so that tells you it is fast and easy. There is more information on our Events page:
After you see the latest new things, you might want to go back over the large list of new things from the Nashville Market. Every time I go over the list something new stands out to me. I just wish I could offer you large blocks of stitching time on our website!
Remember to mark your calendar for the Midwest Stash Exchange on August 19, 2017. We want to see you there!
Friday, March 17, 2017
Coming Events!
We have information for you about our upcoming Weekend of Stitches in April and the Midwest Stash Exchange in August! Just go to the Events page on our website: to get the details. We hope you can join us for both events. If you have questions just phone us at 219-326-0544 or 800-455-8517.
Have a good weekend. I will be doing the my pre-stitching for the Sue Hillis class; hope you can stitch, too. Spring begins on Monday!
Have a good weekend. I will be doing the my pre-stitching for the Sue Hillis class; hope you can stitch, too. Spring begins on Monday!
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
New from Nashville Needlework Market!
I must apologize for being out of touch for so long! Besides being away for the Nashville
Needlework Market, we all seem to have caught some of the various bugs that are
afflicting so many people right now. I
got sick almost as soon as we got to Nashville but thanks to modern drugs I was
able to carry on. If you look at the
list of new things on our website, you will see that I still managed to do
major shopping! To see what I brought
back, go to and type nash17 in the key word box.
Our class with Sue Hillis is rapidly approaching on Friday, April
21st! I promise to get you the final details
in the next day or two! Until then,
enjoy looking at all 250 new items from market.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Getting ready for Nashville Market
Once again it is time for new designs for your stitching pleasure. We have our latest arrivals posted at The new chart from Waxing Moon seems to
summarize what Mother Nature is saying to us…Enough Winter! We are breaking weather records with unusual
warmth and we are loving it! Even though
February is the shortest month of the year, it usually seems like one of the
longest with cold, snowy, overcast days.
But not this year! Our mailman
has been wearing his shorts to deliver our mail. And flip flops, shirt sleeves and motorcycles
are everywhere! They say we will be back
to winter weather this weekend but in the meantime we are living like it is
The Nashville Needlework Market is fast approaching! Many of the designers are showing all or parts
of the things they will be offering. If
you see things that you want just let me know and I will do my best to procure
them for you. Some items will be limited
editions so it will help me to know how many I should purchase and which
designers I need to visit first. On the
flip side of the coin, if you ask me to obtain something for you, it will be
nice if you follow through and purchase the item(s). Market dates are March 3-5). Things should start appearing on our website
on Saturday the 4th. To see
them, go to our catalog and type nash17 in the keyword box. We
will post as many of the new things as we can over the weekend and the rest
will be put on the website when we return from market. I think I will start taking extra vitamins
now so I can go the distance to get the best new products and designs for you!
As always, we thank you for your continued support!
Friday, February 10, 2017
Plan a new project and plan a weekend of stitching!
Are you in need of some mid-winter inspiration? We have it for you on our What’s New page: If you like to stitch for the current season,
be sure to see Cold Hands, Warm Heart from Annie Beez, No Place Like Home from
Little House Needleworks, Winter in the Meadow from Just Nan and Winter Thyme
from Hands on Design. I think I am
ready to move on to spring stitching with Cherry Blossom Cottage from Victoria
Sampler, Spring Butterflies from Imaginating and A Sunshine Garden from Bobbie
G. For the fisherman in your life we
have Arranging Lures from Ink Circles.
Stoney Creek has six new charts with inspirational words and stitched
quilt designs…no piecing necessary!
We are planning a fun weekend for you in April! On Friday afternoon, April 21, Sue Hillis is
going to teach a class on finishing your needlework into an easel. On Saturday the 22nd we will have
a Biscornu Finishing class. Both of
these classes will involve some pre-stitching but nothing too labor intensive. Classes will be held at the Blue Heron Inn
here in LaPorte. I’ll have more details
soon! It’s going to be a great year
celebrating 30 years of business!
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
New Lizzie Kate designs!
The much anticipated new Lizzie Kate designs have
arrived! You can see them along with our
other new arrivals at
Heart in Hand is beginning a three part
design called Snowscapes and Snow Squalls and we have the first two designs in
the Lizzie Kate Celebrate With Charm Flip-Its.
The Workbasket Quaker of the Month Bands are nearing completion with the
eleventh band: June. Have you been
stitching the little sled ornaments?
Shepherd’s Bush has a new Santa design that can be used on a sled or on
a gift tag.
We hope you are finding plenty of time to stitch. It is the perfect cure for the winter
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Winter stitching weather!
We are in the midst of icy winter weather here in northern
Indiana. I hope the weather is better
where you are! It is the perfect time to
plan some spring stitching. We have all
the new Mill Hill spring kits! And
Imaginating has a new chart called Love the Lake which will take you into a
summer frame of mind. Anything warm and
sunny sounds good to us right now! Here
is the link to our latest What’s New page:
Even though it is still winter with the threat of bad
weather, we are going to plan some classes.
If the weather gets bad we will reschedule. We will not be held hostage by the
possibility of snow and ice! LOL Here is our list at this point:
February 4 9:00-11:00
AM Ornament Finishing (flat padded ornaments)- bring a pre-stitched ornament to
assemble in class.
February 25 9:00-11:00
AM Punchneedle
Call for details and to sign up: 219-326-0544, 800-455-8517.
Enjoy the new things!
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