Here we are at the close of another year! Did you meet your stitching goals for the year? Several people have given me the total number of projects that they have stitched this year. I have never thought to count how many I complete. I do more small projects so it hardly seems fair to compare them to the masterpieces that many of you complete! Maybe I can count my completed projects in 2017.
Our What’s New Page has been updated for the final time this year. You can see the latest at There are fun new designs from Abby Rose, Country Cottage Needleworks, Sue Hillis, My Big Toe, Little House Needleworks, Mirabilia and more! Several of the designs have winter themes that are perfect for stitching on long, cold evenings.

The week before Christmas my daughter and I went to the Dressing Downton Afternoon Tea and exhibit of Downton Abbey costumes at the History Museum in South Bend. (Special thanks go to her husband Erik for the tickets!) The tea was lovely and the costumes were unbelievable. The exhibit runs through January 8 if you have a chance to get to South Bend. The embroidery and bead work are amazing! When we reached the end of the costume exhibit we saw a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. Upon closer examination we realized that it was covered with hand stitched ornaments! The South Bend chapter of the EGA (Embroiderers’ Guild of America) made all of the beautiful ornaments. Here is the photo so you can admire it, too!
Make your stitching plans for 2017 and let us know what supplies you need. We know how you like to organize and plan at the beginning of a new year! Thank you for your continued patronage; we look forward to serving your cross stitch needs in 2017. Let's see how many projects we can finish!