More new projects are vying for our attention at In a fun coincidence, we have Part 8 in two different
series-Little House Needleworks Farmhouse Christmas and Blackbird Designs For
the Birds! If you like Hardanger, be
sure to see the four new designs from Satin Stitches. They are breathtaking! Autumn Blessing from Waxing Moon has a
wonderful border of leaves around the verse in the center. It would be a great fall project! Jardin Prive has cute Halloween design with a
skeleton lounging on top of the word Halloween. In the center a white pumpkin
replaces the letter O with bats, spiders, orange pumpkins and a crow rounding out
the design. I’ll let you look at all of
the latest arrivals for yourself; words never do as well as a photo!
Judy Whitman from JBW Designs has informed us that her
recently released chart, Williamsburg Christmas has some errors in the color
key. We have stickers with the corrected color key that can be placed over the
incorrect one. Or, you can find the corrections on her website and
the Friends of JBW Designs Facebook page. Judy sends her apologies for the
If you have been undecided about signing up for our October
5-7 Weekend of Stitches, now is the time!
We have a few spaces left and I have the pre-stitching kits on hand so
you can get started stitching right away. It is going to be a great weekend!

Thank you for your continued interest! We have noticed a definite increase in people
who want to learn to stitch or are returning to stitching after a hiatus. Thank you for your part in letting others
know about our shop!